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Check your PANTONE inks BEFORE you install them on a press!

 SPOT_Color_Manager application icon

SPOT_Color_Manager application allows you controlling all PANTONE and other special inks at reception, by measuring each ink on a piece of stock paper before you install it on your press.

SPOT_Color_Manager application allows you as well making a fast and clear-cut diagnosis when checking any PANTONE ink on any print. Using this application, you will find:

1. PANTONE inks badly formulated that cannot produce the expected Lab D50 colors whichever print density or pigment concentration is used,

2. PANTONE inks badly formulated that can produce the expected colors when printed at appropriate print densities, but only when D50 light is used (Problem of metameric ink formulation),

3. PANTONE inks properly formulated, but printed with bad densities that does not produce the expected colors with acceptable ΔE tolerance.

Make above test on your own PANTONE swatch book: It will show you that you should never trust the colors you see on any PANTONE swatch book: You should check any sample tint your customers supply, and you should check any special ink you buy or you formulate yourself BEFORE you install this ink on your press:

For each ink to be controlled, SPOT_Color_Manager displays the optimal print density to be used for minimizing the printed color visual distance (ΔE76, ΔECMC2:1 or ΔE2000) with its reference target color.

SPOT_Color_Manager also checks each ink in terms of metamerism, for full control of its formulation quality, by forecasting accurately the best ΔE's you will get under A, D50 and F11 illuminants when using best possible print density.

The density correction to be applied is displayed in terms or density (Status E-DIN, ANSI T, or I), and in terms of ink thickness or pigment concentration correction: This allows you specifying and checking properly your inks set for each print work.

Use all the up-to-date PANTONE digital libraries spectral data for controlling your PANTONE inks and your prints: We offer you the free Magic_Proof_&_Print_Control application and its user's guide:

This allows you converting ALL up-to-date PANTONE spectral data from tedious CxFv3 format to crystal clear text CGATS spectral libraries that you can use with the best market applications including MeasureTool, i1Share, ColorPicker and SPOT_Color_Manager.

Do not stay in the dark: Colorsource applications bring the best solutions to all your prepress and press-room quality issues, and with using an inexpensive basic Eye-One Pro, Eye-One Pro 2 or Eye-One Pro 3 spectrophotometer.

Download SPOT_Color_Manager with its user's guide:

Checking a PANTONE swatch book using SPOT_Color_Manager application with Eye-One Pro

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